How to Amplify Your Black Friday Promotions

If you’re anything like our team, you may have sighed to yourself or had your eyes grown wide when you read that title. Black Friday! Already? Yep.

The annual Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals are approaching and for many the time is more important than ever to amplify their promotions. Curious how you can garner more customers with methods other than shouting from the rooftops or into the endless abyss that is an Instagram Grid montage? 

We have a few ideas…

1. Partner Up

Our first tip is to use the strongest asset you have: Your network! Connect with other small business peeps to create a Small Business gift guide full of your best items + promotional offers. 

Post it to your websites, create slides for Instagram Stories, hop on Lives with other businesses involved and tag each other away on your various social media channels. 

2. Create a Drip Campaign

Sure, sending out an email on Black Friday or Cyber Monday is great but did you know that open rates are 80% higher for drip campaigns than stand alone emails? So get into your email software and take it away! And don’t forget to take a peek at email best practices. If you need a refresher, you can check out our blogs on this, here and here.

3. Encourage Sharing

Encourage sharing your promotions to your audience. A fabulous way to do this is through the power of a giveaway —  “one lucky sharer will receive a BUSINESS NAME bundle to give our thanks!” and an even simpler one is to include a “Think a friend would love these? Forward onto them!” in your upcoming email or social post.

Tell Us: What are you doing to prepare your holiday marketing?

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